Author Archives: Blythe

Musicians and Letter Recognition

“It is well known …that musical training in childhood modifies brain connectivity, volume and functioning” (Proverbio et al., 2013, p. 538).  Seems that the impact of music on the developing brain is receiving recognition, perhaps even leading to more music neuroscience research. In this quick post we will look at a new music neuroscience study on how music training relates to letter recognition.  Continue reading

Disaster Response

Many of you know that we lost our home in the 2012 High Park Fire. With floods, storms, and wildfires in recent headlines, I want to ask you all to take the time to get prepared. I have created a FREE 10-hour CMTE on preparing for disaster, available at Summit Music Therapy Services.

By preparing you can decrease the overall impact that disaster can have on your family and business. Preparing is not something to wait and do later – it is something to do as soon as you can. My hope is these credits will be incentive to get music therapists to be informed and prepared.

Plus, I talk about research in the course 🙂

Stay safe out there.


Blythe LaGasse

A Different Look at Autism

Over the past decade, there has been increasing research on different aspects of Autism Spectrum DIsorders. For example, Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience just released an issue completely dedicated to sensorimotor differences in ASD. For this MTRB post we will take a brief look at some of the core articles in this issue. Continue reading

Brownie Points for My Brother

Thanks to my big brother, MTRB is back online!!! Last summer I talked about prepping for natural disaster. Getting hacked gives me a chance to remind you all to stay up to date with wordpress and plugins, back up frequently, and stay calm should someone use their spare time for malicious intent. Just think what this world could do if the time people spent hacking little websites like mine was spent doing something good for the world.  Continue reading